Whitwell, Derbyshire

A Blog for Julie & Chris.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Yo lisa

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

view from bloody topish, austria behind

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view of castle from road

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wayne at marion bridge, bavaria

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eddie speaks

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Fox Road

Fox road

Christina after getting degree

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Wayne Does the Dishes---mmmm

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Update 17/10/2006

Usual appologies from Wayne for the lateness of this update...But ever since he's had his final warning he's not stopped working till after 8pm!!!!(FUCK....more to follow later)

Hope the Tetleys is going down well...Should help chris during labour!!....Definately try the gas and air chris...makes you laugh your bollox offf despite the awful specticle that is unfolding to your loved one infront of your very eyes!!!

Granville and Helen have had a healthy little girl...Olivia Mary Gaskin.
Rach & Adsy are due in 2 weeks.

Christina has achieved a first class honours degree and has now started her teacher training year and intends becoming an English teacher next September...WELL DONE BABE!!! Eddie Izzard was at the ceromony receiving his degree...This put Waynee a bit on the back foot and found himself camping up more than usual and aggressively telling bad jokes...Photos to follow at the usual speed.

Waynee and Christina went away to the father land for Christina's 30th birthday, 1 week in Delkenheim (Christina's mum and dad's) and 1 week in Bavaria, near Munich and the Lakes, Trips to various sites inc Neu Shwan Stein? (the Castle in Chitty Bang Bang) will put up photos, Wayne Caused amusement to the watching locals when he went swimming in one of the lakes with his trainers on....Beer was drunk, mountains were climbed, nobody wanted to come back to england, and it was fecking hot. luckily waynee got paid out for his crash injuries when he arrived in Germany (400 Euros) This paid for some of his beers!!

1 day Previous to Wayne going on Holiday, he was informed that he was suspended (feck)
So he had 2 weeks to worry about it (nice of them) on his return there was a catalogue of shit happened, meeting with personnel manager from london at clumber hotel along with regional manager where they bullshitted the feck about ,and ultimatly I had to acceppt a final written warning for feck all ie my regional managers incompetance, tosser... not bitter at all........It was purely coincidental that waynee and the aforesaid regional manager had a massive verbal bust up only 6 days earlier relating to waynees seemingly inability to fill in his mileage reports/expences and his resultant refusal to complete the previous 6 month worth of paper work despite the fact that it would gain him several hundred pounds whilst not totally pissing off his boss...Then low and behold seemingly out of the blue there is a hole dosier of events and situations that is unacceptable to the management that involve our hero.....If it dosent smell like a manager showing who the fuck is bosss then I'm a cardboard penis!!!

sarah is still on maternity leave...intending to go back at the end of January...Everyone went to
Ye Old Plough in Pleasley for her birthday meal for an all you can eat Chinese...Tim kept ordering shit waynee didnt like...mussels by 2, other fish stuff, and lemon chicken.....Tosser. Andrea ate the order out of love for him.
We had aparty for Harvey's 3rd birthday with about 10 kids and hired a bouncy castle for the back garden. The spencer's went to scotland for dunk's wedding and gaz was informed at the practice the night before that he was doing the bible reading....Feck...Corrinthians love etc.
Gaz has got planning permission through for a 2 storey extension to the back of the house for a play room and extra bedroom.
The anual gaz's birthday barbacue was most enjoyable, with Dave and lisa putting their holiday on hold by a day to come and see every one.

Jo and lisa have been on holiday to Northumberland...There is an attractive photo from this holiday of lisa sat on her bed legs spragged smoking a fag...we will endeavour to post this.
Like waynee lisa has been under pressure from bosses at work and again similar to waynee it is all their fault!!!!! She is in trouble for being way behind and not supervising her team adequately.

Cath is still working infact to her endless credit she doesnt seem able to stop now she's started!!!
It appears that she is still trying to gain the average lifetime worth of work despite the late start!!!
Ben has had to reapply again for his own job...possibly they keep hoping someone with a slightly lower propensity to moan like fuck will someday apply!!

claire has still not found Mr Right and doesnt get drunk too often nowadays, which obviously reduces the chances of this ever happening.

We have just lost the landlord and land lady at the oak due to something dodgy we are unsure is true or not....However Samara and her 38 year old fella have taken their place...Perhaps you were right in what you suggested Chris!!!!

Aidy has had to put a hold on completing his battington website as he now has something to do at work!!!
Cath is not better but I think she is improving...She has unfortunately been laid off from work, something they were expecting, yet still isnt nice when it happens...Aidy has promised to support her as long as it takes to get better and he has also promised to marry her once she is better........Hum......Better...not better....which option would you take!!!!!!!

Mason is still working at Retford making "For Sale" signs on a big guillotine. He applied for a job at B&Q and was apparently over qualified.......And with only 1 o level it is hard to believe this is the reason for him not getting the warehouse stacking job!!!!!
However he did very well at the louise smalley presentation evening, where he is still king!!!
Gaz, Waynee and Ben were happily chatting and drinking in the disco room with the girls(Williams, Pollard and Deakin) moaning and whinging about the loudness and inability to talk to each other ...so we had to move to the bar area, where there was a barely recognisable reduction in the moaning, however the lads could now unfortunately hear them!!!!
I think it was one of those cases where women who spend so much time together eventually all synchronise their time of the months!!!!!

That's all for now folks!!!!

Gaz & Waynee